Real Estate

The Arc of Life

We help young couples buy their first home. We’re there as their families grow, and when they need more space. If they relocate -- across town, or across the country -- we work with them to replicate the house they’re selling, or perhaps try something entirely new. Years later, when they become empty nesters, we work together to find a smaller, more manageable space.

Your Realtor | Your Advisor

Your Realtor | Your Advisor

We’ve got doctors to keep us healthy, financial advisors to grow our money, and lawyers because, well, you know. At KMS Partners, we are advisors in every sense of the word. We are coaches, counselors and therapists. We are there for you when you’re selling and buying -- but even when you’re not ready for a transaction. We’re here to help -- before, during and after a sale. And if you need a referral to a good doctor or electrician: Just ask.

Online and Off

Online and Off

Buying a house is often the most important financial transaction you’ll make in your life. There are many reasons you should trust it to a person, not a pixel. For example, we can help with pricing. Sure, you can find it online. But what does that price mean? Is it fair? What about comparables? Is there room for negotiation? We’re there when you walk through the front door of a house….