Helping Those Without Homes

At KMS Team at Compass, we love every aspect of homes: buying them, selling them, doing whatever we can to make the folks we work with feel part of a broader community.

But as residents ourselves, we know that our communities include people who are not fortunate enough to own or rent homes. That’s why we have long been committed to helping the homeless.

At a time when so many of us are sheltering in place, it’s more important than ever to think about – and actively work for – those who lack the luxury of shelter.

We are so proud of Compass Cares, our company-wide support network. Through them, we contribute a percentage of our commissions to organizations that house, feed, counsel and support adults and families in desperate need.

But rolling up our sleeves is as important as writing a check. Our marketing assistant, Kathi Moran, is a great example of KMS Partners’ active involvement. She helps cook meals with a team of St Luke’s volunteers and then serves up to 100 people at the Open Door Shelter (ODS) in Norwalk, not far from our office. In addition to meals and housing, ODS provides clothing, case management services, treatment, transitional planning, education, and a path toward independence and success.

During the COVID-19 crisis, ODS has been serving double the normal number of meals, and doing so without volunteer hands.   Some groups continue to provide catered meals — the St. Luke’s group is utilizing Fortuna’s Deli which helps this local business too. 

The Open Door Shelter is one of many local organizations working hard to ease homelessness. The Bridgeport Rescue Mission is another. Through food, clothing, housing and addiction recovery programs, they change our neighbors’ lives. Last year they served 565,000 meals. This year, that number will be far higher.

But homelessness and its cascading effects are not limited to cities. Less than a mile from the KMS office, the Gillespie Center serves suburban Westport. Part of Homes With Hope – an umbrella organization that runs emergency shelters for single adults and young women, supportive housing for the chronically homeless, case management services, mentoring, education and life skills training -- the Center offers housing for men, and meals and a food pantry open to anyone.

Many KMS partners have brought food to the Gillespie Center, and served meals there. We are joined by countless community members. For nearly 40 years, the shelter has been an integral part of Westport. It is a shining example of neighbors helping neighbors.

As realtors, we know that home buyers often look for ways to become involved in a new community. We always tell them about organizations like the Open Door Shelter, Bridgeport Rescue Mission and Homes With Hope. They are eager to give back to their new home towns – including those not fortunate enough to have homes of their own.

At KMS, our days are often filled with discussions of square footage, custom kitchens and water views. But it’s important to remember those who lack roofs over their heads, and food in their stomachs. As we and our clients do what we can for them, we help build a better future for us all.