Westport's Farming History — Wakeman Town Farm


When we talk to potential homebuyers about Westport’s history, we mention our agricultural past. As we show you possible homes, we point out repurposed barns highlighting that farming heritage is an important part of this town’s charm.

But whenever one of our KMS partners talks about Wakeman Town Farm, Westport’s past truly comes alive. WTF (as it’s fondly and funnily known) is a working farm, complete with produce for sale, animals to care for, and year-round activity.

It’s also much more. Wakeman Town Farm -- one of the oldest family farm properties in town -- is an educational center, with classes on cooking and baking, healthy food production, composting, even solar technology.

It’s the site of a summer camp, and a year-round magnet for students of all ages. There’s a CSA, offering a delicious range of fruits, vegetables and more.

WTF is also a gathering place for holiday parties, family fun days, “Green Days” and beer gardens. Anyone can rent the property -- including the newly renovated, gorgeous and very functional kitchen -- for special events, like birthdays and graduation celebrations.

All this is overseen by Corey Thomas, the young and energetic “steward” who farms, cares for goats and rabbits and alpacas (!), organizes classes, and draws in hundreds of volunteers who -- in true “it takes a village” spirit -- make Wakeman Town Farm hum.

KMS Team at Compass loves this little town gem. (Well, not so little. It’s a dozen or so acres off Cross Highway, adjacent to Bedford Middle School and Staples High. Easy accessibility is one more draw for the many students who make WTF their second home.)

We love its mission: a place where anyone, without any previous knowledge of agriculture or animals, can learn about the land, expand their horizons, and feel part of a community of like-minded Westporters young and old.

To us, Wakeman Town Farm is Westport at its best. This is a town that honors its rich and varied history. A place that embraces environmentalism. A community that knows our future depends on working together to conserve our resources -- and that wants to learn, together, how to do it.

We hope you’re as excited about Wakeman Town Farm as we are. We’d love to show you around, and introduce you to some of its most ardent volunteers. WTF is one more reason we really “dig” Westport.

(For more information about Wakeman Town Farm -- or any other part of Westport life -- contact us)